How to Change the Color, Language and Theme of the Keyboard on Huawei: Remove Vibration, Change Keys and Return Back

On phones of this brand, the physical keyboard is made as a virtual one. The placement of letters and symbols on it can be the same as a regular keyboard. But there are smartphone models where the layout is significantly different from the usual one. The second option is less convenient, and the first option does not require keyboard changes. Huawei devices are equipped with an option for keyboard settings. Here you can change the background. Its shade can be selected from existing colors, or you can create your own. It is also possible to activate or disable sound and vibration signals that are heard when pressing buttons. In the article below you can familiarize yourself with such issues as: changing the keyboard layout, and some tips on changing its settings.

How to Change the Standard Color and Font of the Keyboard on Huawei?

To install a new keyboard on Android you need to download

alternative option in Google Play Market. The installation will take place automatically; the user will only need to activate the application.

To activate, choose one of the following methods:

  • Go to “Settings” -> “Language and input”. Find the “Keyboard and input method” section and select the desired configuration.
  • In some smartphones, you can change the keys in another way: hold down the settings icon until the menu appears. We then follow the plan described above.

IMPORTANT! When searching for a suitable keyboard in the Play Market, you must enter the name of the phone, since each model has its own options with unique settings.

Before you begin installing a new app, your phone's operating system will ask you for permission to begin downloading data. The user needs to click “Accept”.

IMPORTANT! If there is no key change, hold down the space bar until the menu appears. In the pop-up window, select the name of the downloaded program and mark it with a checkmark.

How to Change Keyboard on Huawei – Language, Color and Theme

Unlike a standard keyboard, a virtual keyboard replicates the functionality of a computer keyboard. Thanks to her you can:

  • print in different languages;
  • use your native language using foreign keys abroad;
  • dial with the mouse;
  • quickly move from typing method to alphabet.

Changing Virtual Keyboard Keys on Huawei

To select a new virtual keyboard on an Android smartphone, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • Go to “Settings”.

  • Select “Language and input”.

  • Let's move on to the current keyboard. It is located in the subsection or tab “Keyboard and input methods”.

  • Mark the “Russian” dot and select the layout.

  • We get to “Language and input”. Select the required type of virtual keys and activate it. Voice input can also be found in this section.

  • For the English-language layout we repeat the same thing.

In the new generation of Android smartphones, the procedure will be slightly different:

  • “Settings” -> “Language and input”. If there is no such item in the menu, you should go to “Advanced settings” or find the item through the search.

  • After going to “Language and input”, select “Manage keyboards” and enable the one you need.

  • Go back to “Language and input” and click on “Current keyboard”. Select the required keys here.

IMPORTANT! Once you have configured the desired layout, you can change it at any convenient time. You can call up the options through any messenger by long pressing the “Select layout” icon. After that, select the desired item and you're done.

Enable Quick Change Keyboard Keys on Huawei

To start using this function, go to “Text input methods” and proceed according to the instructions. You can change the layout to virtual using a special icon located on the keyboard.

To activate the icon for quickly calling a virtual layout you need to:

  • Launch virtual keys.
  • Go to “Settings” by clicking on the gear (located at the bottom of the window).
  • Go to “Advanced settings” -> “Data input protection”.
  • Options will appear on the screen with which you can make settings:
  • Here you can put a checkmark to launch the virtual keyboard using the key combination CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P. To do this, put a checkmark in the appropriate line.

  • The virtual keys icon can be placed in input fields in any messenger. To do this, check the box “Show shortcut icon in input fields.”

  • Also, the appearance of the icon can be ensured only on certain sites where it is useful to the user. To do this, follow the steps: “On-screen keyboard” -> “Change categories” -> “Input security settings”. Here you will find sites where it is possible to display key changes in input fields. After completing the actions, the icon will appear after entering the specified sites.

IMPORTANT! The virtual editor allows you to type text with the mouse or using buttons.

Additional Information

Having considered the main functions and settings, we will study common questions from users.

How to switch language on tablet

Sometimes it is necessary to change the language. We figured out how to do this on a phone, but how is this procedure carried out on tablets? Using mobile keyboards is no different from tablet PCs. To switch, just swipe on the spacebar, or click on the image of the planet. The operation to change the language depends on the keyboard used.

How to disable Google Assistant on Honor and Huawei

Will this instruction be suitable for another Android?

The instructions presented in this article are suitable for all versions of Android. The only difference is in the names of the menu items.

How to Remove Keyboard Vibration on Phone – Disable Settings

The vibration mode when touching buttons is not always user-friendly. How to disable it?

If your phone has a standard Android system, follow these instructions:

  • Click on “Settings”.
  • Go to “General Settings”.
  • Select “Language and input”.

  • Find the layout type that is currently in use (it is marked with a circle) and click on it.

  • A list will appear with options, among which you need to find “Vibrate when typing.”

  • Move the slider to the left to disable the function.

IMPORTANT! Owners of Samsung smartphones have their own rules for turning off vibration: “Language and input” -> “On-screen keyboard” -> “Samsung Keyboard” -> “Feedback” -> “Vibration”. Move the slider to off mode and the phone will stop vibrating when typing.

Types of layouts on Android smartphones

All modern phones use the following types of layouts for English:

  • Colemak;
  • Dvorak;

The name of the layout is taken from the location of the letters on the virtual or physical keyboard. More precisely, it is formed from a combination of the first six letters. The exceptions are Colemak and Dvorak layouts , which were developed for specific purposes. Both are designed to make typing in English faster and easier. The Dvorak layout is used mainly by programmers.

The most common and familiar to almost any user is the QWERTY layout. It is the one that is used by default on PCs.

The Keyboard on Huawei Android has disappeared. What should I do?

Input buttons disappear usually disappear from the smartphone screen for two reasons:

  • the application has stopped working adequately;
  • error in settings.

Follow the instructions below to troubleshoot (there are several ways to troubleshoot this problem).

You can return the keys through the “Settings” of your smartphone by adjusting the input methods. We look for “Input methods” in the menu and activate the keyboard by checking the box next to it.

If this does not help, follow these steps:

  • Open the virtual keyboard.
  • We clear the data and clear the cache.
  • Stop the program.
  • Reboot the phone.

After this, the character set panel should be activated.
IMPORTANT! The keys can be returned by installing an application that can replace the missing panel.

What to do if the keyboard is missing on an Honor and Huawei smartphone

A common reason is an Android system failure. In case of mechanical damage, part of the display simply will not work. But it could also be due to an error in the text input application itself.

Such problems with the device do not require contacting a workshop. The first thing you should do is restart your smartphone. Often a simple system restart resolves software errors.

The second solution is to check for updates. Go to the Google Market, pull down the menu on the left side and go to the “My Apps” section, find in the list Gboard or another program depending on the one you are using. Click on "Update".

The third way is to restart the text input application itself:

  • Open settings.
  • Find the "Program Manager" tab.
  • Find your keyboard app in the list.
  • Click "Disable" and then run again.

How to Restore the Standard Keyboard on Huawei – Original State

To return to standard keys:

  • Open “Settings”.
  • Select from the available items “Language and input”.
  • Check the box next to your choice of standard layout.
  • After this, a warning window may appear on the screen. Click “ok”.
  • Standard buttons will be returned, all that remains is to test them in operation.

Android, in addition to the standard ones, offers the use of additional types of layouts. Thanks to them, you can use functions that make life much easier for the owner of a smartphone: T9, backup and much more.

What Else Can You Change in the Keyboard on Huawei Android?

In addition to the standard layout and key design, the Android keyboard allows you to change themes and desktop. The user can download additional language layouts, change the appearance of the menu, and the size of the character set panel.

Available keyboard changes on Android:

  • Language. Go through “Settings” to “Language and input”, click “Current keyboard” and select an available input method. If the required language is not available, the add-on can be downloaded from the Play Store. Currently, more than 100 options are available to users, including Arabic languages.
  • Voice input. There we go to “Manage Keyboards” and move the slider, including voice input.
  • Spell check. You can enable spell checking for any language that the phone owner will use.
  • Capital letters. Once connected, the sentence will automatically begin with a capital letter.
  • Shortcut keys. You can add the necessary buttons to any keyboard. To do this, go to “Keyboard, mouse and trackpad” in the section of the same name and mark the keys that we need.
  • Size. To reduce or enlarge the dial panel, go to any messenger, click the settings icon on the keyboard, select “Keyboard height” and change the size.

Modern smartphones are ready to adapt to their owners. Communication through social networks is becoming an integral part of life. By changing the keys to suit you, you can improve your communication and writing skills.

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